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Quick Start Guide#

What’s included in the box?#

When you purchase a brand new BeaglePlay, In the box you’ll get:

  1. BeaglePlay board

  2. One (1) sub-GHz antenna

  3. Three (3) 2.4GHz/5GHz antennas

  4. Plastic standoff hardware

  5. Quick-start card


For board files, 3D model, and more, you can checkout BeaglePlay repository on OpenBeagle.

BeaglePlay box contents

Attaching antennas#

You can watch this video to see how to attach the attennas.

Tethering to PC#


Checkout Getting Started Guide for,

  1. Updating to latest software.

  2. Power and Boot.

  3. Network connection.

  4. Browsing to your Beagle.

  5. Troubleshooting.

For tethering to your PC you’ll need a USB-C data cable.

Tethering BeaglePlay to PC

Fig. 107 Tethering BeaglePlay to PC#

Access VSCode#

Once connected, you can browse to to access the VSCode IDE to browse documents and start programming your BeaglePlay!


You may get a warning about an invalid or self-signed certificate. This is a limitation of not having a public URL for your board. If you have any questions about this, please as on https://forum.beagleboard.org/tag/play.

BeaglePlay VSCode IDE (

Fig. 108 BeaglePlay VSCode IDE (

Demos and Tutorials#