.. _beagley-ai-quick-start: BeagleY-AI Quick Start ###################### What's included in the box? **************************** When you purchase a BeagleY-AI, you'll get the following in the box: 1. `BeagleY-AI `_ 2. 2.4GHz antenna 3. Quick-start card .. todo:: Attaching antennas instructions for BeagleY-AI .. todo:: BeagleY-AI unboxing video Getting started *************** To get started your BeagleY-AI you need the following: 1. :ref:`5V @ 3A power supply ` 2. MicromicroSD card (32GB) 3. :ref:`beagley-ai-boot-media` You may need additional accessories based on the mode of operation, you can use your BeagleY-AI in different ways. 1. :ref:`USB Tethering by directly connecting via USB type-c port ` 2. :ref:`Headless connection via UART debug port ` 3. :ref:`Standalone connection with Monitor and other peripherals attached ` Easiest option is to connect the board directly to your PC or Laptop using a USB type-C to type-c cable. There is only one USB type-C port on board, if you choose to use a dedicated power supply for first time setup, you may choose to access the board via any other methods listed above. Power Supply ************** To power the board you can either connect it to a dedicated power supply like a mobile charger or a wall adapter that can provide 5V ≥ 3A. Checkout the :ref:`docs power supply page ` for power supply recommendations. .. note:: Instead of using a :ref:`power supply or power adapter ` if you are using a :ref:`Type-C to Type-C cable ` to connect the board to your laptop/PC then make sure it can supply at least 1000mA. .. _beagley-ai-boot-media: Boot Media (Software image) ***************************** .. todo:: Update this section to use latest boot media (software image) for BeagleY-AI. Download the boot media from `https://www.beagleboard.org/distros/beagley-ai-xfce-12-5-2024-06-10 `_ and flash it on a micro microSD card using using `Balena Etcher `_ following these steps: 1. Select downloaded boot media 2. Select microSD card 3. Flash! .. tip:: For more detailed steps checkout the :ref:`beagleboard-getting-started` under support section of the documentation. .. figure:: images/balena-etcher.* :align: center :alt: Flashing BeagleY-AI boot image (software image) to microSD card Flashing BeagleY-AI boot image (software image) to microSD card Once the microSD card is flashed you should see ``BOOT`` and ``rootfs`` mounted on your system as shown in image below, .. figure:: images/disk.* :align: center :alt: Flashed microSD card mounted partitions Flashed microSD card mounted partitions Under ``BOOT`` partition open ``sysconf.txt`` to edit login ``username`` and ``password``. .. figure:: images/sysconf.* :align: center :alt: sysconf file under BOOT partition sysconf file under BOOT partition In ``sysconf.txt`` file you have to edit the two lines highlighted below. .. callout:: .. code-block:: text :linenos: :lineno-start: 29 :emphasize-lines: 2,5 # user_name - Set a user name for the user (1000) #user_name=beagle <1> # user_password - Set a password for user (1000) #user_password=FooBar <2> .. annotations:: <1> If ``boris`` is your username, update ``#user_name=beagle`` to ``user_name=boris`` <2> If ``bash`` is your password, update ``#user_password=FooBar`` to ``user_password=bash`` .. note:: Make sure to remove ``#`` from in front of these lines else the lines will still be interpreted like a comment and your username & password will not be updated. Once username and password are updated, you can insert the microSD card into your BeagleY-AI as shown in the image below: .. figure:: images/beagley-ai-micro-sd-card.* :align: center :alt: Insert microSD card in BeagleY-AI Insert microSD card in BeagleY-AI .. _beagley-ai-usb-tethering: USB Tethering ************** .. note:: If you are using the board with a fan or running a computationally intensive task you should always power the board with a dedicated power supply that can supply 5V ≥ 3A (15W+). As per USB standards these are the current at 5V that each downstream USB port type can (max) supply: - USB Type-A 3.x port - 900mA (4.5W) - USB Type-C 1.2 port - 1500mA (7.5W) to 3000mA (15W) Thus it's recommended to use type-C to type-C cable. To initially test your board, you can connect the board directly to your computer using a ``type-C to type-C`` cable shown in the image below. .. figure:: images/beagley-ai-tethered-connection.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI tethered connection BeagleY-AI tethered connection SSH connection =============== After connecting, you should see the power LED glow, and soon just like with other Beagles, BeagleY-AI will create a virtual wired connection on your computer. To access the board, open up a terminal (`Linux `_/`Mac `_) or command prompt (`Windows `_) and use the SSH command as shown below. .. code:: shell ssh debian@ .. tip:: If you are not able to find your beagle at ```` make sure to checkout :ref:`start-browse-to-beagle` to resolve your connection issue. .. important:: If you have not updated your default username and password during :ref:`beagley-ai-boot-media`, you must update the default password at this step to something safer. .. figure:: images/ssh-connection.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI SSH connection BeagleY-AI SSH connection UART connection ================ Your BeagleY-AI board creates a UART connection (No additional hardware required) when tethered to a Laptop/PC which you can access using ``Putty`` of ``tio``. On a linux machine it may come up as ``dev/ttyACM*``, it will be different for Mac and Windows operatig systems. To find serial port for your system you can checkout `this guide `_. .. figure:: images/uart/putty.* :align: center :alt: Putty serial connection Putty serial connection - If you are on linux, try ``tio`` with default setting using command below, .. code:: console tio /dev/ttyACM0 With this you have the access to BeagleY-AI terminal. Now, you can connect your board to :ref:`WiFi `, try out all the :ref:`cool demos ` and explore all the other ways to access your BeagleY-AI listed below. - :ref:`beagley-ai-connecting-wifi` - :ref:`beagley-ai-demos` .. _beagley-ai-headless: Headless connection =================== If you want to run your BeagleY-AI in headless mode, you need `Raspberry Pi Debug Probe `_ or similar serial adapter. .. todo:: Add images and description for this section. .. _standalone-connection: Standalone connection ===================== To setup your BeagleY-AI for standalone usage, you need the following additional accessories, 1. HDMI monitor 2. micro HDMI to full-size HDMI cable 3. Wireless keyboard & mice combo 4. Ethernet cable (Optional) Make sure you have the microSD card with boot media (software image) inserted in to the BeagleY-AI. Now connect, 1. microHDMI to BeagleY-AI and full size HDMI to monitor 2. keyboard and mice combo to one of the four USB port of BeagleY-AI 3. Power supply to USB type-c connector of BeagleY-AI The connection diagram below provides a clear representation of all the connections, .. figure:: images/standalone.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI standalone connection BeagleY-AI standalone connection If everything is connected properly you should see four penguins on your monitor. .. figure:: images/boot-penguins.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI boot penguins BeagleY-AI boot penguins When prompted, log in using the updated login credentials you updated during the USB tethering step. .. Important:: You can not update login credentials at this step, you must update them during boot media (software image) micrSD card flashing or USB tethering step! .. figure:: images/login.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI XFCE desktop login BeagleY-AI XFCE desktop login Once logged in you should see the splash screen shown in the image below: .. figure:: images/screen-saver.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI XFCE home screen BeagleY-AI XFCE home screen Test network connection by running ping .. figure:: images/ping-test.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI network ping test BeagleY-AI network ping test Explore and build with your new BeagleY-AI board! .. figure:: images/htop.* :align: center :alt: BeagleY-AI running htop BeagleY-AI running htop .. _beagley-ai-connecting-wifi: Connecting to WiFi ********************** We have two options to connect to WiFi, 1. :ref:`beagley-ai-nmtui` 2. :ref:`beagley-ai-iwctl` .. _beagley-ai-nmtui: nmtui ====== - Enable ``NetworkManager`` .. code:: console sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager - Start ``NetworkManager`` .. code:: console sudo systemctl start NetworkManager - Start ``nmtui`` application .. code:: console sudo nmtui - To navigate, use the ``arrow keys`` or press ``Tab`` to step forwards and press ``Shift+Tab`` to step back through the options. Press ``Enter`` to select an option. The ``Space bar`` toggles the status of a check box. - You should see a screen as shown below, here you have to press ``Enter`` on ``Acticate a connection`` option to `activate wired and wireless connection options `_. .. figure:: images/wifi/nmtui.* :align: center :alt: NetworkManager TUI NetworkManager TUI There under ``WiFi`` section press ``Enter`` on desired access point and provide password to connect. When successfully connected press ``Esc`` to get out of the ``nmtui`` application window. .. _beagley-ai-iwctl: iwctl ====== Once board is fully booted and you have access to the shell, follow the commands below to connect to any WiFi access point, - To list the wireless devices attached, (you should see wlan0 listed) .. code:: shell iwctl device list - Scan WiFi using, .. code:: shell iwctl station wlan0 scan - Get networks using, .. code:: shell iwctl station wlan0 get-networks - Connect to your wifi network using, .. code:: iwctl --passphrase "" station wlan0 connect "" - Check wlan0 status with, .. code:: iwctl station wlan0 show - To list the networks with connected WiFi marked you can again use, .. code:: iwctl station wlan0 get-networks - Test connection with ping command, .. code:: ping Attach fan *********** .. todo:: add instructions to attach raspberrypi official fan. Demos and Tutorials ******************* * :ref:`beagley-ai-expansion-nvme`